



メディアよ、なぜ死に急ぐ To the Media: Why Are You So Eager

To the Media: Why Are You So Eager to Die?
“Selective Reporting” and “Red Herrings” Seen at Renho News Conference about Dual Nationality


【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 126
On July 18th, Democratic Party (DP) President Renho held a press conference to give an explanation about the issue of her dual nationality.

When Ms. Renho ran for party president in September of last year, suspicions about her dual nationality were raised. At that time, she dismissed them out of hand, but thereafter her story changed several times because of clear inconsistencies with prior statements she had made.

In other words, she appeared to be “a liar and untrustworthy.” I don’t necessarily demand the trait of total honesty of politicians, but I think it is important for them to be trustworthy. It is natural that Japanese who place importance on both traits distrusted her.

There is just one point which she needed to make clear in this press conference [That point is: when did she renounced her Taiwan citizenship].

Concerning the partial disclosure of her family register, Ms. Renho said, “I hope I am the last person [to need to do this]” as if to say that she had given in to pressure from racists and xenophobes. The Asahi Newspaper and Mainichi Newspaper editorialized along the same lines, but this appeared to me to be a red herring.

Liberal Democratic Party Lower House parliamentarian Kimi Onoda who had held dual U.S. and Japanese citizenship, after completing procedures to renounce her U.S. citizenship, disclosed her family register, which is the only certificate establishing the date on which she chose Japanese citizenship. It is natural for people to expect that Ms. Renho would do the same as Ms. Onoda.

Ms. Onoda pointed out on Twitter that “We are discussing here whether the Public Office Election Law and the Nationality Law were violated . . .It is an issue of legality or illegality.”

What it comes down to is the fact that when Ms. Renho served as a minister of state in the former Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) cabinet she was in violation of the law [the Nationality Law]. It is unlikely that a criminal case can be actually be made, but in order to ensure that the same thing does not happen in the future, loopholes in the current law should be closed, and Ms. Renho should take the lead in formulating regulations, along with standards for penalties.

Diet members are chosen by election to be “representatives of all the people,” an important position which requires that they exert all efforts to uphold Japan’s national interests regardless of whether their political philosophy is liberal or conservative.

Aside from Ms. Renho, there are several other [mostly opposition party] Diet members whose “qualifications to be a politician” in this regard [citizenship] are in doubt. In particular, the DP seems reticent to criticize North Korea, South Korea, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). They [vigorously] opposed the amendments to the Security Laws without offering any alternative. This public distrust of the DP was the basis for the fuss about Ms. Renho’s “dual nationality.”

I do not understand the reason why the left-wing media supports the DP. However, I was deeply shocked by the fact that they deliberately failed to report the inconvenient testimony [i.e. testimony which undermined their agenda, which is to bring down Primer Minister Abe] of former Ehime Prefectural governor Moriyuki Kato and National Strategic Special Zones working group member Eiji Hara during the out-of-session hearings [extraordinary Diet hearings held even though the Diet is in adjournment] on the Kake Gakuen issue.

The media’s “exercise of the right not to report” [selective reporting] and use of “red herrings” are on display for all to see, and if you ask me, it is like they are cutting their wrists (in other words, committing serial self-mutilation). Why is the media so eager to die?
