偏向メディアはわざと無視?President Obama's Iwakuni Speech..


日米同盟の重要性説いたオバマ大統領の岩国スピーチ 偏向メディアはわざと無視?
President Obama's Iwakuni Speech Asserting Importance of U.S.-Japan Alliance Deliberately Ignored by Biased Media?

Common Knowledge Revisited 69

On May 27th, President Obama was the first sitting U.S. president to visit Hiroshima, the site of the atomic bombing. The news of this historic visit drew the attention the world, but for some reason it overshadowed another speech which he delivered on the same day to U.S. military and Japanese Self-Defense Forces troops at Iwakuni Base (in Yamaguchi Prefecture).

The content makes clear the importance of the U.S.-Japan military alliance and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s diplomatic talent. It leads me to suspect that the biased media deliberately ignored it. Here are a few excerpts.

“The United States is leading again in the Asia Pacific, because this region is vital to our shared security and prosperity. And that takes security cooperation. It takes trade agreements. It takes relationships built between people. And it takes the proud service of our men and women in uniform throughout the region, working with our outstanding men and women who serve the armed forces of Japan.”

